092. Wednesday Win: It Gets Better

[In which our heroine supports a just and necessary cause.]

This is one of those wins that comes out of an incredibly awful fail, and though I think the only people who read this blog are my IRL friends (hey guys), I wanted to show my support and appreciation for Dan Savage’s It Gets Better Project, his response to the recent suicides in by LGBT youth. Watch:

I’d like to address the cyberbullying issue. The internet is a gift that angry, self-centered, mean kids are using for evil. Stop making fun of other people. Seriously, it’s really not cool and you will feel mucho bad about it when you’re an adult, and, guess what?, no one will care. Differences make us unique and interesting; if the world was made up of only supermodels and football players, it would be incredibly boring.

I could go full-on rant about this whole situation–cyberbulling, teen suicide, acceptance of differences, how much high school seriously sucks–but I think I’ll let the videos and video responses speak for themselves. If you see or hear about bullying of any sort, speak up and help someone through the rough patches because it really does get better.

About failsintowins

"Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon." - Emily Dickinson "Don't suck. And be funny." - Jazon Mraz
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