105. Hindsight is 20/20

[In which our heroine does the obligatory look back/look forward for New Year’s thing. Apologies for the conformity.]

Ah, yes, another year come and gone. My birthday is in January and 25 was going to be the year to “get right,” but that didn’t exactly happen in all the ways I had hoped it would. In many ways it did, but what’s life without a few surprise challenges?

Do you make resolutions? I guess I do, but I don’t see them as set in stone, which may be why I never stick to them (whoops). I’ve got three for this year: drink more water (which is the same as it was last year), read more and watch less television (two-parter), and the third I can’t tell you because the whole point of the resolution is to not talk about it.

I was going to do a Decade in Review, but then I thought about all the stuff that’s happened in my last decade (high school graduation, all of college, first job, second job, moving…) and decided that would be as long and tedious for me as it would for you. So, here’s a short list of 2010’s Fails and Wins (wins last to end on a good note):

– Not playing enough piano (or hardly any).
– Not totally reaching personal fitness goals (who are those people who do, anyway? I want to meet one of them).
– Realizing that first impressions can be utterly deceptive.

– Attending a conference in California and returning with tons of ideas.
– Another incredible summer of art and and working with an insanely amazing intern.
– Learning tons about art but still wanting to learn more.
– Having a position where email and social media posting and strategy is literally part of my job description.
– Doing lots of crafts and connecting with others who have the same interests.
– Completing a beer card challenge (so where’s my winner’s mug!? Photo to come when I receive it!).

So, now that we’re running away from 2010 and towards the depths of 2011, it’s time for that yearly “clean slate.” Here’s to 2011 and it’s challenges. What do you hope for the new year?

About failsintowins

"Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon." - Emily Dickinson "Don't suck. And be funny." - Jazon Mraz
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