100. Go, Go, Gadget WriMo!

Hello. Thank you for your visit. I am participating in National Novel Writing Month and will be away from the blog, but checking in sporadically as creative reserves allow. If you have an immediate need, please leave a comment and I will return your message as quickly as possible.

Incidentally, as this is my 100th blog post, I’d like to go on about how meaningful the experience has been, what I’ve learned about myself and whatever creative juices I’ve got flowing, how my changing perspectives and motivations , but really, I’m just nervous about what writing 50,000 words in 30 days is going to look like for me. I will try to wax poetic when I’m 30,000+ words towards that goal (or have some sort of literary breakdown; results TBD).

About failsintowins

"Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon." - Emily Dickinson "Don't suck. And be funny." - Jazon Mraz
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